July 31, 2020
The Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada was thrilled to learn that the Province of Manitoba would be providing a new endowment fund that will help make the Royal Aviation Museum financially sustainable into the future.
On Friday, July 17, 2020 during a media conference at the St. Boniface Museum, Sport, Culture and Heritage Minister Cathy Cox announced the province would establish a $10 million endowment fund for seven Signature Museums: Commonwealth Air Training Plan Museum, the New Iceland Heritage Museum, the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada, the Mennonite Heritage Village, the Manitoba Agricultural Museum, the St. Boniface Museum, and the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre.
The Signature Museum Sustainability Funds will provide the Royal Aviation Museum with our own $1.4-million endowment fund which will be administrated through the Winnipeg Foundation. This year alone we will receive $62,000, which will grow over time and help sustain the Museum in perpetuity.
We are grateful to the Province of Manitoba for providing a reliable funding stream that will help us to plan ahead and build for the future!