


In 1998, Fokker Super Universal CF-AAM, which had been rebuilt to flying condition, took a six-year, criss-cross tour of North American air shows before coming home to its final resting stop at the museum’s hangar doors. AAM is the only flying Fokker Super Universal aircraft left in the world.


F-86 Sabe under wraps at the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada

F-86 Sabre Unveiled

#1815 Now on Display The project began with an idea—one that would lead to 6,000 volunteer hours in a major restoration effort and a fundraising campaign unlike anything the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada had undertaken before. “2024 marked the 100th anniversary of …

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Captain of the Clouds Movie Poster

Lights, Camera, Aviation

The Royal Aviation Museum’s Connection to Hollywood History There’s an old song that goes, “You Oughta Be in Pictures.” As it turns out, two of our museum’s aircraft are the same type as those featured in the classic Hollywood film Captains of the …

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