February 9, 2024
National Aviation Day takes place every year on February 23. Here are five ways you can celebrate!
Visit the Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada

This year, we’re celebrating for TWO days. On Friday, February 23, enjoy discounted admission all day! Visit and enjoy 50% off admission and free parking in the museum’s lot. Complimentary guided tours will take place at 11 am and 1:45 pm.
On Saturday, February 24, we’re hosting our first open cockpit day of the year and we’ve invited a very special guest.
Luke Penner will be joining us to do a presentation about life as a top-ranking aerobatic pilot. Visitors will have access to the cockpits of our CL-84 Dynavert and our new Mini 500 helicopter.
February 24 schedule:
10:00 am – 3:00 pm: Open cockpits – Canadair Dynavert and Mini 500 helicopter
11:00 am – 12:00 pm: Presentation and Q&A with Luke Penner, Canada’s top-ranked aerobatic pilot
12:30 pm: Complimentary guided tour
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm: Presentation and Q&A with Luke Penner, Canada’s top-ranked aerobatic pilot
Watch an aviation-themed movie or television show

There are so many to choose from! Here are a few we like:
Twelve O’Clock High (1949) – Gregory Peck stars as a WWII general who takes a struggling B-17 bomber group and turns them into heroes.
Battle of Britain (1969) – The historical Battle of Britain was a turning point in World War II. During this air battle, the British Royal Air Force kept the German Luftwaffe from establishing air superiority over the English Channel.
Airplane! (1980) – We think this is one of the funniest movies ever made—surely you agree.
Top Gun (1986) – This list just wouldn’t be complete without perhaps the most famous aviation movie of all time.
Pearl Harbour (2001) – Since it’s almost Valentine’s Day, we had to include this one. Part romance, part drama, this movie tells the story of two lifelong friends and US Air Force pilots based in Pearl Harbour when the infamous December 7 attack took place. And, of course, they fall in love with the same girl.
The Aviator (2004) – This movie stars Leonardo DiCaprio as film director and pilot Howard Hughes and focuses on Hughes’ role designing new experimental aircraft.
Sully (2016) recounts the “Miracle on the Hudson” when Captain Sullenberger landed a plane on the Hudson River and saved everyone on board.
Masters of the Air – This mini-series focuses on the real-life experiences of the 100th Bomb Group. Currently streaming on AppleTV+.
Check out a flight simulator
If you feel the need for speed after watching one of the movies recommended above, why not visit a flight simulator? Pilots Club in Winnipeg has CF-18 and 737 simulators.
Book your first flying lesson

Have you always dreamed of getting your pilot’s license?
Harv’s Air offers discovery flights for those interested in learning to fly. These flights are designed to show you what flying an airplane is like and meet the staff you’ll be working with. From there, you can decide if obtaining a pilot’s license is the right path for you.
Flying is a costly endeavour, but there are some scholarships available. The Canadian Owners and Pilots Association (COPA) has a variety of aviation scholarships for which you may be eligible. There are many others available across Canada as well. Learn more here.
Build a model airplane

Looking for something to do with your little ones? Our gift shop, the Landing Zone Boutique, has tons of airplane models and toys.
From plastic models to brick-building sets, fighter jets to a WWI Sopwith Camel, we’ve got something for every aviation enthusiast.
Happy National Aviation Day!
Feature image by Handcraft Creative, courtesy of Travel Manitoba